Foster & Partners - Open House Day 2018
London (United kingdom, Europe)
I was at the Foster + Partners HQ in London, one of the best architecture and design bureau of the world from Norman Foster, who was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize, often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture. Thanks to Mister Stefan Behling (Head of Design at F+P and Partner, one of the architects of Apple Park, Apple Visitor Center, Apple Union Square, Apple Zorlu and many other breathtaking and iconic Apple Retail Stores, McLaren Technology Center, Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt am Main, Glass Dome of the New German Reichstag and many other big projects), Roxy Guellmeister (Architect and Design Analysis at F+P, Team of Mister Behling) and Christin Menzel (Team of Mister Behling) for the warm welcome in the rainy London. The time and the magical atmohsphere in the headquarters at the Themse was astounding and stunning, and of course, the work is fantastic with so many details. Thanks for the fantastic time and the open house!
I had the opportunity to see the real models of Apple Park, Apple Dubai Mall, Apple Michigan Avenue, Apple Westlake (Apple 西湖) and other beautifully designed and thought-out designs. Take a look at the cross-section of the ventilation module of Apple Park. Enjoy the gallery!
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